Variables and Constants in Java


2 min read

Variables in Java

A variable in Java is a container that holds a value of a specific data type. Java is a statically-typed language, which means it is mandatory to declare the data type of a variable before assigning a value.

Variables in Java can be classified into two types:

1. Global Variables: These are declared at the class level, outside methods, constructors, and blocks.

2. Local Variables: These are declared inside methods, constructors, or blocks.

Global Variables

Global variables are declared within a class but outside of any methods, constructors, or blocks. There are two types of global variables:

1. Class Variables (Static Variables)

• A class variable is declared with the static keyword.

• The value of a class variable remains the same for all instances of the class.

• Only one copy of the class variable is created in the static pool, and all objects of the class point to this single copy.

• Class variables are accessed using the class name.


<access modifier> static <data type> <varname>;


static String ceoName = "Tom";

Here, ceoName is declared as static because the CEO’s name will be the same for all employees in the organization.

  1. Instance Variables -

    • Instance variables are declared at the global scope, outside of methods, constructors, or blocks, without the static keyword.

    • These variables have different values for each instance (object) of the class.

    • Instance variables are created in the heap memory because they are tied to objects.


    <access modifier> <data type> <variable name> = <value>;

    Example - int age;

Code Demonstrating Class variable and Instance Variables

In this example, orgName is a class variable, and name, age are instance variables.

Local Variables

• Local variables are declared within methods, constructors, or blocks.

• They do not have a default initialization, so they must be explicitly initialized before use.

• Local variables can only be accessed within the method, block, or constructor where they are declared.


<access modifier> <data type> <variable name> = <value>;

Constants in Java

In Java, you can declare a variable as a constant using the final keyword. A constant variable cannot be reinitialized after its value is set.

• The final keyword can be applied to variables, methods, and classes:

• A final variable cannot be reassigned.

• A final method cannot be overridden.

• A final class cannot be subclassed.


<access modifier> <static> <final> <data type> <variable name> = <value>;

static and final are optional, but final ensures that the value remains constant.


final double PI = 3.142; // Constant variable

In this example, PI is declared as a constant and cannot be modified after initialization.